Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This lovely Cornsnake, a member of the Ratsnake family, is perfectly harmless (except of course, to rats) and makes
a great pet (if you would like a snake for a pet). They are long lived and reach an adult length of five feet.

This Gambel Quail is perhaps the most colorful of the Quail family. It is native to our South-western desert region.

I've often wondered how anything could actually sleep standing up, never mind on one foot!
This is the Chilean Flamingo and seems not to give this manner of repose a thought.

Talk about that "elder statesman" look this Patas monkey has it down pat! Now who does he remind me of...
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It was a Hail of a storm

Although it hailed for only about three minutes it put on the ground. They were mostly between quarter and golf ball in size. If I was a golfer I could had some practice time.
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Monday, April 13, 2009

It's Peafowl time!

This is perhaps one of the greatest displays of a male of any species trying to entice a female into a deeper relationship.

This is the backside of that display.

This is the female, a Peahen, which was totally unimpressed by the gaudy display...at least for the moment.

This is a Pea hen as well, but a white one. Simply a variation of the regular Peafowl.
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